Tuesday, January 18, 2005

So I slightly overstated the drama

So I slightly overstated the drama

Well, here's the infamous McBride wrap party that I've perhaps overhyped. The pictures pretty much tell the story. Everyone who was there ended up having a great time, but I never got Athena (pictured below) to dance with me...even though her "chocolate stallion" had gone to another bar to hang out. Another time, maybe. Anyway, no one went home with anyone they hadn't gone home with before (to my knowledge), but it was still a rollicking good time. Well, I rollicked, at least.

Here's Jason, our Key PA for McBride. He seems a lonely soul in this picture.

Here's Bashir and the back of Rachel's head. They're having a good time. You'll have to trust me on this one.

Here's Kevin Connor--director of the brilliant (and I mean that in all honesty) Motel Hell--and my fellow PA Basia.

A picture of Bashir with Basia and Rachel. He's a bit of a hit with the ladies as you'll soon see. He claims he gets it from me, but it's all flattery.

This is me (obviously) and the 2nd 2nd AD, Athena. Tonight was the first night I ever saw her without a bandana on her head.

Here's Brookey and her boyfriend, Alex. She's a wee bit tipsy, which isn't all that evident from the picture.

Is Bashir a hit with the ladies? Why, yes. Yes he is.

Here's a shot of the dance floor. That's the head of the makeup department, Janice, on the right there. Unfortunately there aren't any pictures of me dancing. I can't imagine how that oversight happened...

I'll admit that Jason was somewhat intoxicated tonight. You might be able to tell from this picture if you look closely. Or if you have eyes.

Here's the whole production crew, minus Brooke. She went to another club. This is why we're no longer speaking. Clearly Jason hasn't sobered up by this point.

Bashir and some drunk girl. Bashir and some girl. Yep. I'm as surprised as the rest of you.

From left to right: John Carmichael (our former on-set dresser), Matt Lutz ("Phil" from the McBride movies), Basia (PA) and Christy (props, background, wardrobe & all-around nice gal)

So I promised crazy times for your guys, but you just got good, clean fun instead. What's not shown in these pictures, however, is how I unknowingly created drama by putting two people in the same place at the same time who don't like each other very much. Because I don't have a picture of either one of them, I'll just leave it at that. I'll also leave it at me never telling either one of them to go to the place where the ultimately met. In fact, I never even knew anyone was going to this other place until one of the parties involved told me she'd just been there. I later got a call from the other party claiming that the whole idea to go to this other place had been my idea. I wish I would've known. I might've been there myself if I had. Hooray for drama that I didn't create but somehow got blamed for anyway! Weird thing is I'd never heard of this other club at which the two parties involved met. Fun stuff, rumor is.

My plans for the rest of week go something like:
  • Register with some extras casting companies in an attempt to get background work
  • Call up a friend from LLP to get my headshots taken
  • Write scenes for 1) my demo reel and 2) a short film in which I'll act
  • Translate some handwritten notes into digital form
  • Add on to scenes I've already written to complete a first draft of a TV pilot
  • I don't know...hang out?

    I make it out that I'm busier than I actually am. I'm not sure how much all this will actually take, but I'm thinking I can be finished with it in about two days. Everything but the writing anyway. We'll see what happens with that.



    At January 22, 2005 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What the crap there are no pictures of me.......

    At January 23, 2005 2:48 AM, Blogger Drew said...

    I've got several pictures of you in an earlier post. I notice that you don't even talk about me in your posts. *Harumph*



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