Monday, August 23, 2004

Before I get to this past weekend, let's jump ahead to Midway airport -- Sunday night...

Before I get to this past weekend, let's jump ahead to Midway airport -- Sunday night...

So when Regan and I were heading up to Chicago to drop me off at the airport, we ran into a little snag. 57-N out of Champaign was at a standstill about seven miles outside of town. No cars were moving, even looking up the curve that disappeared out of sight about a mile up the road. Regan thought we were looking at a parking lot at first. I supposed it depends on your definition. We broke out the map and saw that--a-ha!--Rt. 136 (which was right in front of us) leads to 74 if taken West toward Bloomington. We could then catch 55-N--our eventual destination anyway--shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, this meant going straight West then Northeast instead of North then Northeast. Our choices were limited, however, because our other option was sitting, waiting, and hoping.

Zip to Midway:

After a jam in the Arrivals/Departures ramp, Regan finally drops me off at my terminal, and I walk through the doors to check my bags and get my boarding pass. Unfortunately, I had missed my flight. My options? Get put on standby for a flight for LAX at 6:55 AM. That was pretty much my only option. I quickly called Regan and asked her to come back. She did, God bless her little heart. So we went out to some dive restaurant and had some cheap dinner before she had to leave to get back to Champaign at a somewhat decent hour (1 AM). After that, there's not really a story. I slept in one of the airport's seats and woke up at 4 AM to get my ticket for my flight. Then I fell asleep at my gate while I waited for my flight. Then I got on the plane and, yes, fell asleep again. One shuttle after that I'm back at my apartment and packing up my stuff for the move to the new apartment. I learned I had the day off when I called my boss for the third time this morning. Ah fate, how I love it when you interfere in my favor.

I'll post about the weekend soon.



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