Dream Factory: Day One
Dream Factory: Day One
Prologue: Naomi and I stayed with Laurel at her parents' place in New Lennox. We spent the night drinking, playing cards, and soaking in a hot tub for hours. It was glorious.
A dazed couple walk off the plane after an uneventful plane ride. NAOMI, a half-Japanese, half-English college student, heads to the bathroom while DREW, a college student of mixed descent, watches the luggage. NAOMI is an effervescent young woman, always eager to experience new things and equally eager to please those around her. DREW is a somewhat laconic figure, often speaking only when spoken to. The pair's personalities complement each other well. DREW has experiences he normally wouldn't, and NAOMI, for the most part, stays out of trouble under his guardianship. NAOMI returns from the bathroom, and the duo decide to get some coffee during the wait for the shuttle from LAX that will take them to The Orbit, a trendy Los Angeles hostel.
DREW and NAOMI set their bags down at a table, and DREW goes up to order.
After being abducted by a PrimeTime shuttle and being forced to pay $30 against their will, NAOMI and DREW arrive at their hostel. The Orbit only accepts cash, so DREW and NAOMI walk to the corner ATM, an ATM that momentarily eats DREW's card. Eventually settling matters with the machine, the two country mice in the big city walk back to the hostel carrying just over $250 in cash.
DREW and NAOMI once again spent too much money on food at a large diner down the street from The Orbit in the Jewish district of town. An article on the wall announced that the diner was an LA favorite of such celebrities as The Beatles, Johnny Depp, The Wallflowers and others.
DREW and NAOMI meet their roommates TREY, MICHAEL and REESE. MICHAEL and REESE are Irish friends that have beetravelingng the world for the past two years. With one more swoop around the country, they will move to Australia to make enough money to ultimately return to Ireland. TREY, a middle-aged New Orleans-ian with the soul and drive of an artist and poet with a fraction of the talent, has a habit of repeating himself and an aptness of saying the most insulting comment possible for any situation involving anyone who isn't white or straight. After having free beer as an officially sanctioned activity by the hostel, the two end up at a stranger's birthday party in the movie room. Free beer. Free liquor. Free bottles of wine. Over there, a man has passed out because of the drink and has been covered in toilet paper and empty bottles. Over here, LANCE, a 28-year-old black aspiring actor from Pittsburgh, hits on NAOMI. Right here, MICHAEL and REESE try to explain why finding boots in a bathroom is funny as DREW nods slowly and skeptically while opening another beer. At 3:30 AM, DREW and NAOMI wander out of the party and back to their room. The two are careful not to wake their roommates as they crawl into their respective beds, tipsy, and fall asleep for the first time in the City of Angels.
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